Createx Illustration Surgery Sienna 5048 60ml Bloodline Airbrush Farbe *** Aktionsartikel

Marke: Createx

Artikelnummer: 186620

Lagernd - sofort lieferbar

Versandgewicht: 90 Gramm.

Deutschland: Standard DHL Lieferzeit 1 bis 3 Tage.

(Auslandsversand Lieferzeit 3 bis 14 Tage)

11,10 EUR *
Inhalt 0,06 Liter
Grundpreis 185,00 EUR / Liter
* Alle Preise inkl. Mwst zuzüglich Versandkosten
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Surgery Sienna 5048 60ml

Createx Illustration 




Tim Gore is an extremely talanted artist with over 25 years experience in the film special effects industry. Bloodline™ is a line of airbrush colors specifically created by Tim Gore with colors designed for the subtleties of painting everything from "hyper real" creatures, humanoids and monsters, latex masks, resin kits and anything your imagination can come up with.

Bloodline™ is a part of the Createx Illustration Colors™ line. Createx Illustration Colors™ are a refined, water-based airbrush colors optimized for true fine-line, detailed performance while allowing for re-wettable effects and subtle erasing techniques. Illustration Colors are lightfast and durable. No reduction necessary. Illustration Colors atomize and spray excellent through small airbrush tip sizes down to 0.15mm at low psi settings straight out of the bottle.

Reducer and Transparent Base is offered in our illustration Colors line for artists wishing to make colors even thinner or more transparent based on subjective preferences, however, most artists will find performance is excellent straight out of the bottle. Illustration Colors are compatible with urethane and most any type of clear, paint and primer.


Createx Illustration Surgery Sienna 5048 60ml Bloodline Airbrush Farbe *** Aktionsartikel

Angaben zur Produktsicherheit

Hersteller/EU Verantwortliche Person:

Art.-ID 186620
Zustand Neu & OVP
Altersfreigabe Ohne Altersbeschränkung
Varianten-ID 504802
Modell 504802
Hersteller Createx
Herstellungsland USA
Inhalt 0.06 Liter
Gewicht 90 g
Zolltarifnummer 32139000

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